主题 : 甘蔗积木:乐高拟用环保材料替代传统塑料
级别: 杂志编辑

UID: 8142
精华: 58
发帖: 116763
财富: 190111733 鼎币
威望: 81 点
贡献值: 468 点
会员币: 2 个
好评度: 5705 点
在线时间: 13554(时)
注册时间: 2010-01-02
最后登录: 2024-04-26
楼主 发表于: 2018-03-23  


管理提醒: 本帖被 敬业心 执行压帖操作(2018-04-15)
  乐高公司日前宣布将开始用甘蔗为原料来生产积木玩具,这种甘蔗积木不能吃,但是很环保。而且,用这种植物基塑料做出的乐高积木,和传统的石油基塑料做出的乐高积木将没有差别。 rV U:VL`2  
  Photo by Alphacolor 13 on Unsplash 59K}  
  Lego recently announced that they will start producing pieces from sustainable sugar cane. The toys, which will be indistinguishable from classic Legos, will also feature “botanical elements” like leaves, bushes, and trees. Lego’s current bricks are made from oil-based plastics. q'2`0MRa  
  最近,乐高宣布他们将开始以甘蔗为可持续原料生产玩具。这些玩具将以植物元素(如叶子、灌木、树木)为特色,它们和经典乐高积木没什么差别。目前,乐高积木由石油基塑料制成。 a G@nErdW  
  “We want to make a positive impact on the world around us, and are working hard to make great play products for children using sustainable materials,” said Tim Brooks, vice president, environmental responsibility at the Lego Group, in a statement. “This is a great first step in our ambitious commitment of making all Lego bricks using sustainable materials.” edTMl;4  
  乐高集团环保责任部副总裁蒂姆·布鲁克斯表示:“我们希望积极影响周围世界,目前正致力于使用可持续材料,为儿童制造优质玩具。我们承诺将使用可持续材料制造所有乐高积木,这是我们迈出的第一大步。” +0U#.|?  
  The new line of production has reportedly already started with pieces being produced from polyethylene, which is a soft, durable and flexible plastic — technically identical to those produced using conventional plastic. Lego says that we needn’t worry about the quality of the new products, as they’ve tested the plant-based plastic to ensure that it meets the high standards for quality and safety that consumers expect from the company. D8EeZUqU  
  据报告,新产品线已经开始采用由聚乙烯制成的部件——它们和由传统塑料制成的部件一模一样。聚乙烯是一种柔软、耐久、灵活的塑料。乐高称,人们无需担忧新产品的质量问题。他们检测过植物基塑料,以确保它在质量和安全方面符合消费者所期待的高标准。 tU(y~)]  
  “LEGO products have always been about providing high quality play experiences giving every child the chance to shape their own world through inventive play. Children and parents will not notice any difference in the quality or appearance of the new elements, because plant-based polyethylene has the same properties as conventional polyethylene,” said Tim Brooks. iW;}%$lVX  
  布鲁克斯说:“乐高产品向来以提供高质量游戏体验为重点,使每个孩子都有机会通过创造性游戏塑造自己的世界。儿童和家长将不会注意到新材料存在质量或外观上的差异,因为植物基聚乙烯和传统聚乙烯具有相同的特性。” gs-@hR.,s0  
  The move is part of Lego’s campaign to use sustainable materials in its core products and packaging by 2030, a move in which they have already invested $165 million. According to a research report, 4% of the world’s petroleum is used as a raw material to make plastic, and another 4% is used in the plastic-making process. Since plastic is so ubiquitous and so notoriously non-eco-friendly, finding ways to replace it is extremely important. With this in mind, Lego has partnered with WWF to play their part, joining the Bioplastic Feedstock Alliance (BFA), which supports the responsible development of plastics made from plant material. kLq( !Gs  
  乐高计划在2030年实现采用可持续材料制造核心产品及产品包装,为此已投入1.65亿美元(合10.4亿元人民币)。根据一份研究报告:全球4%的石油被用作塑料原材料,另外4%用于塑料生产过程。由于塑料无处不在,且在环保方面臭名昭著,所以设法取代塑料非常重要。为此,乐高和世界自然基金会合作,又加入生物塑料原料联盟,后者为开发由植物材料制成的环保塑料提供资金。 V 1*Ad  
  “It is essential that companies in each industry find ways to responsibly source their product materials and help ensure a future where people, nature, and the economy thrive,” said Alix Grabowski, a senior program officer at WWF. “The LEGO Group’s decision to pursue sustainably sourced bio-based plastics represents an incredible opportunity to reduce dependence on finite resources, and their work with the Bioplastic Feedstock Alliance will allow them to connect with other companies to continue to think creatively about sustainability.” E0T&GR@.  
  世界自然基金会的高级项目专员阿利克斯·格拉博夫斯基表示:“各个产业的企业都应该设法采购环保产品材料,帮助人类、自然和经济在未来蓬勃发展,这点非常重要。乐高集团决定采用可持续生物基塑料,这是减少依赖有限资源的绝佳机会。和生物塑料原料联盟的合作将使他们和其它企业建立联系,继续创造性地思考可持续发展的问题。” {Evcc+E q  







The world kissed me with the sadness,for singing by me in return.
