主题 : 手机看多了眼睛累?七种办法帮你消除眼疲劳
级别: 杂志编辑

UID: 8142
精华: 58
发帖: 116763
财富: 190111733 鼎币
威望: 81 点
贡献值: 468 点
会员币: 2 个
好评度: 5705 点
在线时间: 13553(时)
注册时间: 2010-01-02
最后登录: 2024-04-25
楼主 发表于: 2018-03-23  


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  过去20年科技的飞速发展意味着很多人每天大部分的时间都在盯着手机屏幕或电脑屏幕。研究显示,由此导致的结果是,50%到90%的员工有眼疲劳或相关健康问题,比如眼跳、眼睛发红、头疼和疲劳。那么,怎样才能缓解眼疲劳呢? s3K!~v\L]  
  其实只要掌握了下面的七个办法,就能最大程度消除眼疲劳。 Blj<|\ igc  
  9月14日,沈阳市满族中学的学生在做眼保健操。新华社发(龙雷摄) `lt[Q>Z  
  Get regular eye tests : JSuC  
  定期做视力检查 kE[R9RS!  
  If you work on a computer every day, experts recommend having a comprehensive eye exam every year to detect problems before they develop. During this test, you should tell the doctor how often you use your phone and your computer. You should also measure the distance from your eyes to your screen at work and tell your doctor, so your eyes can be tested at that distance. WYkh'sv >  
  如果你每天面对电脑工作,专家建议你每年给眼睛做一次综合检查,及时发现问题。在检查中,你要告诉医生你使用手机和电脑的频率。你还应该测量工作时眼睛距离屏幕的距离并告知医生,这样你的眼睛就可以按此距离检查。 PY&mLux%  
  Give your eyes space m3&b)O7  
  给眼睛空间 ,"YTG*ky  
  The closer your phone/computer screen is to your eyes, the harder they have to work to focus. Studies on computer-related eye strain suggest that screens should be no closer than 40cm from your face. If this makes it hard for you to read, consider increasing the size of the text, rather than moving the screen closer. JBLh4c3  
  你的眼睛距离手机和电脑屏幕越近,眼睛就越难聚焦。电脑眼疲劳的相关研究显示,人脸距离屏幕最少要40厘米。如果在这个距离下看不清楚,那就把字体调大些,而不是把屏幕挪得更近。 C 5e;U  
  Take breaks 7*He 8G[W  
  休息休息 Oq)7XL4  
  This may not always be practical if you have a hectic job, but it’s important to try to take regular breaks from staring directly at a screen, to give your eyes a chance to rest and rehydrate. While surveys have shown that many office workers take no more than half an hour a day away from their computer, it’s recommended that you take a 15-minute break after every two hours spent at your screen. If this isn’t possible, a study has shown that levels of eye strain are much reduced when workers take at least four five-minute breaks a day, on top of a half-hour lunch break away from their computer. 3~Ap1_9  
  如果你工作很忙,这可能不太现实,但试着定期让眼睛休息休息,而不是一直盯着屏幕不动很重要,能让你的眼睛有机会休息和补水。研究显示,很多员工每天工作时不看电脑的时间只有半小时。根据建议,每天看两个小时屏幕后应该休息15分钟。如果做不到这一点,除了午饭半小时外,如果每天分四次,每次休息五分钟,眼疲劳的状况将大大缓解。 ["<'fq;PJ  
  Reduce glare #%V+- b(  
  减少眩目 QiJ  
  Glare is one of the biggest causes of screen-related eye strain. You can negate it by ensuring that you are using your phone or computer in a room where the lighting is bright enough. If your device is consistently brighter than your surroundings, this will lead to eye strain and fatigue. Something else that can help is an anti-glare screen filter on your monitor or phone. If you wear glasses, some experts recommend buying lenses with anti-reflective coatings. Y.#fpG'  
  眩目是注视屏幕导致眼疲劳的最大原因之一。只要保证在光线足够充足的屋子里看手机或电脑就能避免这一点。如果设备一直比周围环境亮,会导致眼疲劳。显示屏和手机上安装防眩目屏也会有帮助。如果戴眼镜,专家建议购买有防反射涂层的镜片。 LyL(~Jc|  
  Exercise your eyes ktp<o.f[  
  锻炼眼睛 8PWEQ<ev7>  
  Staring at a screen continuously for hours on end causes focusing fatigue. To avoid this, many eye experts recommend the “20-20-20 rule” – looking away from your phone/computer screen every 20 minutes and focusing on an object at least 20ft away for at least 20 seconds. The science behind this trick is that looking at objects at a distance relaxes the focusing muscle in the eye, helping to reduce fatigue. J=HN~B1  
  连续数小时盯着屏幕会导致聚焦性眼疲劳。为了避免这一点,很多眼科专家推荐“20-20-20规则”,也就是每20分钟让眼睛离开手机或电脑屏幕,盯着20英尺(约合6.1米)外的物体看至少20秒。这种做法的科学道理是看远处的物体能放松眼部的紧张肌肉,帮助缓解眼疲劳。 8`90a\t'Z  
  Blink zw iS%-F  
  眨眼 <|w(Sn  
  We don’t realise it, but our eyes blink differently and less frequently when we are staring at our phone or computer screen. Normally, we blink about 15 times a minute, but this drops by a third while we are looking at screens – and the blinks that do occur are typically partial blinks, meaning that during the blink phase the upper lid doesn’t come all the way down. This reduced blinking ability makes it difficult for the eyeball to remain moist, since the tears coating the eye evaporate more rapidly. If you find you have dry eyes as a result of excessive screen use, experts recommend either using artificial tears to refresh your eyes or resetting your natural blink frequency through an exercise where you blink slowly 10 times, as if shutting your eyes for sleep, every 20 minutes. ^ohIJcI-  
  我们的眼睛在盯着手机或电脑屏幕时眨眼方式不同,频率也更低,这一点我们并没有注意到。我们一般每分钟眨眼15次,但盯着屏幕时一分钟只眨眼10次,而且属于典型的不完全眨眼,也就是眨眼时上眼皮并没有完全落下。这种不完全眨眼使眼球很难保持湿润,因为眼球表面的泪水蒸发更快。如果你发现因为过度使用屏幕而眼睛发干,专家建议你使用人工泪液消除眼疲劳,或者进行眼部锻炼,也就是缓慢眨眼10次来重置自然的眨眼频率,就好比每20分钟让你的眼睛睡个觉。 ksUF(lYk  
  Make your screen more eye-friendly Q^* 3 3  
  让屏幕更友好 .>LJ(Sx9b  
  You can take steps to make your screen easier on your eyes, such as making the text larger, increasing your device’s refresh rate to ensure less flickering of the screen, and shifting the screen’s colour levels away from the blue end of the spectrum and towards the softer yellow end. This is important, because the retina contains blue-light-sensitive molecules; some studies have suggested that constant intense exposure to blue light can damage the retina. O]Y   z7  
  你可以采取一些措施让眼睛看屏幕更轻松,比如放大字体,增加设备的刷新频率以确保屏幕闪烁更少,并把屏幕的颜色层从光谱的深蓝色调整为柔黄色。这很重要,因为视网膜含有蓝光敏分子,一些研究显示,总盯着蓝光看会损伤视网膜。 \l`{u)V  







The world kissed me with the sadness,for singing by me in return.
