    主题 : 心理指南:告诉你为啥去看心理医生的5个理由
    级别: 800米会员
    UID: 34738
    精华: 25
    发帖: 722
    财富: 15631 鼎币
    威望: 26 点
    贡献值: 7 点
    会员币: 0 个
    好评度: 74 点
    在线时间: 118(时)
    注册时间: 2014-04-01
    最后登录: 2015-08-12
    楼主 发表于: 2014-11-13  


    我就坦白招了吧。我去看了心理医生。事实上我挺为此骄傲的,也不介意提起。你要是像我一样心烦意乱神志不清,干嘛不去看心理医生?这是必须的。与此同时,我不能理解的是,为什么还有那么多人不愿去看心理医生。I’ll admit it. I see a shrink. In fact I’m pretty proud and OK with it. Hell when you’re as neurotic and insane as I can get it’s kind of a necessity. At the same time I can’t understand why more people out there don’t see a therapist. zB6&),[,v  
    And no I’m not talking about going on anti depressants and calling it a day. I’m talking about really examining yourself and trying to become better.别搞错了,我说的不是服用抗抑郁药然后给自己放个假。我说的是切实评估个人状况并且努力改善。While most people think they’re just A-OK, it’s not always the case and talking to someone can really help. Here are five reasons you need to go to therapy….尽管大多数人觉得他们过的不错,事实上有些时候并非如此,找个人谈谈真的大有裨益,以下就是你该去看心理医生的五个理由。 NH,4>mV$!  
      %D ,(S-Uj  
    1. Every person should go to therapy at least once1、每个人都至少该去看一次心理医生Just to try it out. Seriously. You’d be surprised at what you’ll learn about yourself and those around you. Rarely do we take the time to examine ourselves and look at who we are and why we do the things we do. Even if you’re fine, it’s still good to go to therapy. In fact, it’s probably better just for “maintenance” purposes.你就试试看吧。说真的,你会惊讶地发现,无论是自己还是身边的事物,都还有那么多可发掘之处。我们很少花时间审视自身、了解自己的性格脾气和处事动机。即使你一切都好,去看心理医生也没什么坏处。事实上,以“维持良好现状”的目的去看心理医生说不定更有益处。 1Nz#,IdQ  
    2. It’s Good To Get it Out and Say Things You Wouldn’t Say2、找个人和盘托出大有裨益If you’re willing, you can say the craziest things in the world to a therapist and it’s their job to listen. You can talk about your most personal and private thoughts and they won’t judge you (well, the real ones and good ones won’t). Sometimes it’s great just to let those feelings out.只要你愿意,尽可以把那些荒诞不经的想法对心理医生一吐为快,因为聆听是他们的职责。你可以倾诉自己最私密的想法,他们绝不会对你评头论足(好吧,是那些称职的好医生不会这样)。有些时候纯粹发泄一下情绪也不错 i>=y3x"  
    3. Learning to Handle Things On Your Own3、学习自己处理事务If you go to the right therapist they will teach you how to deal with problems yourself. Their job isn’t to solve your problems but rather teach you how to solve your own problems. You can learn some great tools from the right person and allow yourself to cope with all of the crap you have to deal with on a daily basis.如果你找对了心理医生,他们会教你如何自己处理问题。他们的工作与其说是帮你解决问题,不如说是教你如何自己解决问题。出色的心理医生能够传授你一些绝佳的技巧,使你能够应付得了每天那些破烂事 C1-Jj_XQ.  
    4. Investing in Yourself is the Best Investment4、投资自身是最好的投资People always talk about the costs of therapy and granted it’s expensive but no one ever looks at it from a rational standpoint. If you really need to see a therapist then I’m sure you can carve out some extra cash. Is your own personal well being not worth it? Think about it. Plus nowadays insurance usually helps so a couple hundred bucks a month is pretty doable. No one ever realizes that spending money on your own mental health should come first. Oh no! I’m losing my cable TV! Think about it.人们总是谈论心理治疗的价格,并一口咬定它高得离谱,但却从没有人以理智的观点来看这个问题。如果你的确需要看心理医生,那么我肯定你能从牙缝里挤出点钱。你的自身健康不值这个价吗?好好想想吧。再加上现今的保险常常能报销,所以每月花个几百大洋就行。从没有人意识到为自身心理健康花钱才是第一位的。哦不!我要失去有线电视了!好好想想吧。 Enhrkk  
    5. You’re More Messed up Than you Think5、你的情况比自己认为的还糟Come on. Face it. You have way more problems than you let on.得了吧。面对现实吧。你展示出的那些问题不过是冰山一角。 zbDK$g6  







    级别: 杂志编辑

    UID: 8142
    精华: 58
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    威望: 81 点
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    在线时间: 13552(时)
    注册时间: 2010-01-02
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    沙发 发表于: 2016-03-16  
    感谢分享!楼主辛苦! ^r~R]stE^  
    The world kissed me with the sadness,for singing by me in return.
