主题 : 晨起吸烟者更易患癌症?
级别: 800米会员
UID: 34738
精华: 25
发帖: 722
财富: 15631 鼎币
威望: 26 点
贡献值: 7 点
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好评度: 74 点
在线时间: 118(时)
注册时间: 2014-04-01
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楼主 发表于: 2014-11-14  


晨起吸烟者更易患癌症? "UQr:/  
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研究者们称早起起床后立即吸烟者相对于其他吸烟者而言更易患上癌症。People who smoke soon after getting up in the morning are more likely to develop cancer than those who light up later in the day, say US researchers.在《癌症》期刊上发表的一项对7, 610名吸烟者的调查研究表明,晨起吸烟的危害与其他的吸烟习惯的影响不同。A study of 7,610 smokers, published in the journal Cancer, said the effect was independent of other smoking habits.起床后三十分钟内吸烟会使得吸烟者患肺癌的高几率再次加倍。Smoking in the first 30 minutes after waking nearly doubled the, already high, risk of lung cancer.英国的癌症研究中心表明吸烟快的人容易吸更多的烟入肺。Cancer Research UK suggested people who were quick to smoke may inhale more smoke into the lungs.美国宾州国立医学院的科学家们观察了4, 776名有肺癌的吸烟患者和2, 835名无癌症的吸烟者。Scientists at the Penn State College of Medicine in the US looked at 4,776 smokers with lung cancer and 2,835 smokers without cancer.他们的研究表明在起床后的前三十分钟内吸烟的病人们比那些至少一小时后吸烟的人患癌症的可能性多79%。They showed that patients who smoked in the first 30 minutes after waking up were 79% more likely to have developed cancer than those who waited at least an hour. 研究者们称“抽第一支烟的时间”的影响会一直持续着,即使统计起来讲,吸烟者们已经调节了其他的因素,例如每天所抽的香烟数量。The researchers said that the "time to first cigarette" effect was present even after they statistically adjusted for other factors such as the number of cigarettes smoked in a day.不确定性Uncertainty 同样在该期刊上,另一个研究观察了1, 850名吸烟者,其中1, 055名患有颈部和头部的癌症。研究表明,起床后前三十分钟内吸烟的人,相对于起床后至少一小时后吸烟的人,有超过59%可能性患上肿瘤。Another study in the same journal looked at 1,850 smokers, 1,055 of whom had head and neck cancers. It said people who smoked in the first half hour were 59% more likely to have developed a tumour than those who waited at least an hour. 研究者们称如何解释这种关系还不确定。The authors admit: "It is uncertain what explanation there is for the relationship".研究带头人Joshua Muscar博士表示:“这些吸烟者的体内有更高水平的*****含量和可能的其他烟草有毒物质,它们可能相对于那些可抑制到半小时以后吸烟的人而言更容易使人上瘾。”Dr Joshua Muscar, lead researcher, said: "These smokers have higher levels of nicotine and possibly other tobacco toxins in their body, and they may be more addicted than smokers who refrain from smoking for a half hour or more."英国癌症研究中心的教授Robert West讲道:“那些起床就吸烟的人似乎更倾向于集中注意力地去抽每一支烟。Cancer Research UK's Professor Robert West said: "Smokers who light up soon after waking tend to smoke each cigarette more intensively. 所以,研究发现的最可能的解释就是吸烟者起床后越快吸烟,吸入肺里的烟越多,更容易患上由于化学物质引起的癌症。”"So the most likely explanation of this finding is that the sooner a smoker lights up, the more smoke is taken into the lungs, and the higher the level of exposure to cancer causing chemicals. “这项研究,相对于只观察每天的抽烟数量,更容易估计暴露于烟草的程度。”"This may help estimating levels of tobacco exposure more than just looking at the usual daily cigarette consumption." SY%A"bC  
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