主题 : 双语:中国网民为什么讨厌“白左”
级别: 杂志编辑

UID: 8142
精华: 58
发帖: 116763
财富: 190111733 鼎币
威望: 81 点
贡献值: 468 点
会员币: 2 个
好评度: 5705 点
在线时间: 13553(时)
注册时间: 2010-01-02
最后登录: 2024-04-25
楼主 发表于: 2017-05-25  


  Baizuo, a derogatory term in Mandarin that refers to the "leftist elites" in the West, has become increasingly popular among China’s netizens, a phenomenon analysts ascribe to the public’s resentment against what they perceive as the superiority complex of the Western liberal elites and their ideological agenda against China. FgKDk!ci  
  在普通话里,“白左”是个贬义词,指的是西方的“左派精英”。最近这个词在中国网民间越来越流行,分析人士认为这个现象的原因是因为中国公众对西方自由主义精英的优越感、以及他们针对中国的意识形态宣传感到不满。 p/4GOU5g  
  Chinese netizens have long been using the term baizuo, literally meaning "white left" to ridicule the liberal elites in the West, but Fox News only picked up the topic on Tuesday after they read an article about it written by Zhang Chenchen, a PhD in political theory and science. u2@:[:Ao  
  长期以来中国网民都在使用“白左”这个词来调侃取笑西方的自由派精英们,但是美国《福克斯新闻》周二才报道了这一现象——原因是他们读到了一篇由政治理论和政治学博士张晨晨(音)写的一篇文章 !1-:1Whz8  
  Baizuo refers to people who "only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment," who "have no sense of real problems in the real world," who only advocate for peace and equality to "satisfy their own feelings of moral superiority" and who are "obsessed with political correctness" that they "tolerate backward Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism," reads Zhang’s article published in opendemocracy.com on May 11. C[|jJ9VE,  
  张晨晨在5月11日发表于opendemocracy网站上的文章中写道,白左指的是那些“只关心类似移民、少数民族、LGBT和环境问题”的人,他们“看不到现实生活中的实际问题”,只会一味主张和平与平等来“满足自己的道德优越感”,他们还“痴迷于政治正确”,“为了多元文化的牌坊而刻意容忍落后的伊斯兰价值观”。 6psK2d0  
  The term baizuo is not limited to referring to the white liberal elites, as former US president Obama was considered as an advocate of baizuo ideology. According to Zhang, the Chinese public mentioned that baizuo first emerged to describe German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her decision to welcome more than 1 million third-world immigrants to Europe, which infringed upon Chinese people’s right to stay in Europe. Other terms like "holy mothers" have also been invented to ridicule Western politicians who welcome Muslim immigrants and help Islamicize Europe. }gGcYRT  
  但是白左并不只是指白人自由派精英,因为美国前总统奥巴马也被认为深受白左意识形态的影响。按照张晨晨的说法,中国公众第一次提到白左时,这个词是用来形容德国总理默克尔和她接收100万第三世界难民的决定——因为这侵犯了身处欧洲的中国人的权利。其他诸如“圣母”等词也被用来形容那些欢迎穆斯林难民、并帮助他们将欧洲伊斯兰化的西方政客们。 "N D1$l  
  On Zhihu, a Chinese question-and-answer website, the question "why are well-educated elites in the West seen as naive ’white left’ in China?" has received more than 400 answers. `>g: :  
  在知乎上,“为什么西方受过良好教育的精英被中国人视为幼稚的‘白左’?”获得了400多个回答。 P)7SK&]r;=  
  One of the users said that baizuo are people "who advocate inclusiveness and anti-discrimination but cannot tolerate different opinions." Another Zhihu user wrote that baizuo’s opinions were so shallow that they tend to maintain social equality by embracing ideologies that run against the basic concept of equality. ~eA7:dZLb  
  一名用户回答说,白左们“主张包容性和反歧视,但是却不能容忍不同的观点”。另一名用户则表示,白左的观点太过浅薄——他们试图通过拥护违背基本平等观念的意识形态来维护社会平等。 A@f`g[q  
  "Chinese people don’t like the group because they think baizuo always exhibit a sense of superiority and hold a tough attitude towards China," said Zhu Feng, a professor at Peking University’s School of International Studies. 305()  
  北京大学(分数线,专业设置)国际研究学院教授朱峰(音)说道:“中国人不喜欢白左,是因为认为他们老是摆出一副优越感,并对中国持强硬态度。” rcY[jF  
  Some people believe baizuo are phony and hypocritical and will make the situation in the West go from bad to worse, said Zhang Yiwu, a cultural scholar at Peking University. NcwZ_*sqj  
  北大文化学者张一武(音)指出,有些人认为白左是虚伪的骗子,只会让西方的境况更加糟糕。 W7_X=>l  
  Online users think the liberal elites in the West give no thought to the conditions in China when they talk about issues like animal rights, women’s rights and climate change, Zhang said. #L` @["  
  张一武表示,中国网民认为西方自由派精英在讨论动物权利、妇女权利、以及气候变化等问题的时候,根本就不了解中国的情况。 A)/_:  
  标签: 双语网民自由派精英 QUH USDT  







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