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qiufeng0299 2021-04-04 11:20

「停电」的英文怎么说?没有 stop 也没有 no!

Today we will be talking about what blackout means.B-L-A-C-K-O-U-T. Blackout. [ˈblækaʊt]There are many meanings of a blackout, but today we will focusing on the two most common ones.The first blackout means all the lights go out. So imagine that all of your lights go out in the whole apartment complex. This is a blackout. This blackout is a noun using in our example sentences. :6z0Ep"  

Here, let us look at some example sentence: Example 1: 
The storm caused a neighborhood to have a blackout
Example 2: 
The lights won't turn on? We must be having a blackouSo the first common way blackout would be used is when the lights or electricity turns off unexpectedly.
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Then we have the second-way blackout would be commonly used.Means to be extremely drunk, and have become unaware of where you are or what you are doing.Also, it is a verb , not a noun. <>JDA(F"  

Here, let us look at some example sentence: Example 1: 
Don't drink so much tonight. If you blackout, I am not taking care of you
Example 2: 
I don't remember what happened last night. I think I blacked-out.
So the second way this word would be used is in a way to express getting very drunk, and not remembering anything.Remember blackout has two meanings. The first meaning means the electricity or lights go out unexpectedly. The second meaning means being super drunk and not remembering anything! 7,e=|%7.  
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