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这个不错 2009-01-18 13:10


  ———清华女生马宇歌:带着梦想上路 }^ g6Y3\  
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  (作者:北京青年报社《竞报》女记者 陈晓婷[笔名:肖亭]) xsPY#  
  Ma Yuge :Walks All the Way, Sings All the Way 5,i0QT"  
  —— Ma Yuge,A Student of Tsinghua: Set Out with Dreams EFd9n  
  —— (Author: Chen Xiao-ting [陈晓婷], a female reporter from  “Competition Newspaper” of  “Beijing Youth Newspaper Agency” [pen name: Xiao Ting〈肖亭〉] ) 1FkS$ j8:  
  【编者按:以下这篇新闻报道,是《北京青年报》社副刊《竞报》的女记者陈晓婷[笔名:肖亭]写的。她发表在中华人民共和国北京市教育委员会主办的国内外公开发行的机关报《现代教育报 MODERN EDUCATION NEWS》(总第1264期)2005年11月25日星期五的“新闻周刊”版面上,标题就是《马宇歌:一路行来一路歌》。在网上带着括号搜这个标题,除了《现代教育报》社主办的“现教传媒”网站,在其“教育新闻”频道的“文化”栏目,原报出刊当天载有该文外,还可以看到,后来许多网站均有转载。位于中国内地最早出现的“硅谷”——北京市海淀区中关村,那里办的一种国内外公开发行的杂志《中关村 ZHONG GUAN CUN》月刊,在2005年12月号 这期 的“教育”板块“学苑之星”栏目,另以《清华学子马宇歌:带着梦想上路 Ma Yuge,a Student of Tsinghua: Set Out with Dream》为题,再次刊登过本文。不过此文署名为作者笔名:肖亭。值得注意的是,陈晓婷采写这篇新闻报道时,其间还特别访问过马宇歌的母校——北京的清华大学附属中学及她在整个中学阶段的该校校长赵庆刚先生。校长对马宇歌的生动介绍,被记者详细地记录了下来,给广大读者留下的印象一定非同凡响。他道出了马宇歌的成功奥密,不仅值得后人从中悟出对自己有用的道理,特别引人感叹的是,正像中国历史上唐朝的大学者韩愈所言:相比于身边不断涌现出来的一个比一个杰出的世代人才,我们的社会永远是“千里马常有,而伯乐不常有”的!马宇歌是了不起的,但她也是最幸运的。幸运之神,似乎格外乐意光顾的人,偏是那些脚踏实地勇于实践、积极向上、胸有大志、勤奋努力的有为者!以下就是笔名“肖亭”的作者陈晓婷,发表在前述报刊上的那篇原文,请仔细阅读。】 #i t)  
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  【Editor’s note: The following report was written by Chen Xiao-ting(陈晓婷), (pen name: Xiao Ting〈肖亭〉) a female reporter from “Competition Newspapers”(《竞报》), a supplement of “Beijing Youth Newspaper Agency”(《北京青年报》). She published on November 25, 2005 Friday’s “Newsweek” with the title “Ma Yuge: Walks All the Way, Sings All the Way” (《马宇歌:一路行来一路歌》)on “Modern Education News”(《现代教育报》) (No. 1264 of the total), an official newspaper at home and abroad sponsored by Beijing Municipal Board of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Searching the title in brackets on the internet, one may find the original edition on “culture” column of “education news” channel at that same day of publication on the website “http://www.modedu.com” (sponsored by Modern Education Newspapers Agency), and reproducing articles by many other websites later. At the earliest “Silicon Valley” of Mainland China- Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing, on a public offering of the monthly magazine “ZHONG GUAN CUN”(《中关村》) at home and abroad, the article entitled with  “Ma Yuge, A Student of Tsinghua: Set Out with Dreams” (《清华学子马宇歌:带着梦想上路》) has been published again on “Star of Academy” program of “Education” plate this period. However, this time was signed by the author with her pen name: Xiao Ting(肖亭). Entering into the magazine’s Website “http://www.evalley.com.cn” by the title one can find articles “Ma Yuge,A Student of Tsinghua: Set Out with Dreams”. It is worth noting that Chen Xiao-ting(陈晓婷) paid a special visit to Mr. Zhao Qinggang(赵庆刚), headmaster of Ma’s alma mater the High School Affiliated to Beijing’s Tsinghua University and headmaster throughout her middle school years. The lively introductions to Ma from Mr. Zhao have been recorded down in detail and would leave extraordinary impression on a large number of readers. Zhao came out with Ma’s secret of success. It was worthy for the posterity of realizing their useful reasoning. In particular, as the great scholar Han Yu (韩愈)of Tang Dynasty(唐朝) in Chinese history once said: comparing to the outstanding talents emerged unceasingly from their generations in the side, our society forever is “the swift steed is common, but the talent scout is not common”. Ma is terrific, but she is also the luckiest. Fortune has always smiled upon those who have the courage to practice down-to-earth, positive, ambitious, and hard work! The following is the original text published in the preceding newspaper with her pen name “Xiao Ting”(肖亭) by Chen Xiaoting(陈晓婷). Please read it carefully. 】 _LYI#D  
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  (上图注释:右二为17岁的花季少女马宇歌,和同宿舍同学——左起——张琛、段婷丽、徐滟雯[右一],2005年5月10日参加完高三毕业典礼暨成人仪式后,出会场就地在北京的清华大学附中母校内留影。那天近800同龄人和校长、有关老师共同参加的大会,是她和同班另一位男生刘宜朋俩人登台主持的。  Notes of the picture above: the second from the right is 17-year-old sweet girl Ma Yuge [Ma Yu-ge / 马宇歌 / 馬宇歌], with her roommates - from left to right - Zhang Chen [张琛], Duan Tingli [段婷丽], Xu Yanwen [“徐滟雯” 1st from right]. After attending the senior high school Graduation Ceremony and Adult Ceremony on May 10, 2005, leaves the conference site to take a souvenir photo in the Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Tsinghua University attached middle school alma mater. The congress that day, with participation of nearly 800 of her contemporaries, school principals and concerned teachers, was preside over by her and her boy classmate Liu Yipeng [刘宜朋].) 5a0&LNm  
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(上图为北京的清华大学附属中学同年级16个班近800人中间最强的“一条龙试验班”全班同学,2005年5月10日参加完高中毕业典礼暨成人仪式后,在会场外合影。前排左五是刚主持完上述大会的校团委委员、该班17岁少女马宇歌。  The above photo shows all the classmates of “Coordinated Process Experimental Class” [“一条龙试验班” ], the most excellent among 800 students in 16 classes in the same grade in the senior high school attached to Tsinghua University, after attending the senior high school Graduation Ceremony and Adult Ceremony on May 10, 2005 and taking a group photo outside the conference site. On the front row the fifth from the left is Ma Yuge, a 17 year-old young girl and a member of the School Youth League Committee, after finishing her hosting of the just-mentioned congress.) WbIf)\  
  【她,5岁应邀在北京电视台开始播映个人绘画;6岁发表文字作品于报刊;8岁以综合评比成绩第一,入选中央电视台“大风车”栏目首批考试录取的30人小记者团;10岁利用每一个长假独闯天下,并给高校师生演讲;她只身登上过青藏高原、南海军舰……两只风行天下的小脚丫,至13岁时已经踏遍了中国大陆所有省(直辖市、自治区)共31个,至200多市、县、乡、村,总行程30多万公里;同时读完了600多种中英文各类课外书,结识社会各界朋友1万多名;她会说一口流利的英语,2003年寒假步入欧洲进行学访。她的事迹还被选入了现行我国中小学校的《思想品德》、《思想政治》和《语文》教科书;2005年6月,通过参加全国统一高考,她成了中国大陆理工科排名第一的综合性高校——清华大学建筑学院的一名本科新生,兼清华电视台主持人。上网去搜“马宇歌”这个世界上至今只有她一人使用的人名,可以看到关于马宇歌的最新现状介绍,及历来刊于各种媒体的报道,总计不下数万篇。】 V2v}F=  
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  【She started to telecast individual drawing in the Beijing Television Station on invitation when she was 5; by the age of 6 she published her works in newspapers and periodicals; by the time she was 8 years old, with top comprehensive evaluation results, she was selected as one member of the first batch of 30 little journalists press corps through test enrollment by CCTV  “Big Pinwheel” column; when she was 10 she took advantage of each long vacation to rush to the world alone and had speech to teachers and students of colleges and universities; she had mounted the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the South China Sea warships solitarily... ... Her little feet had been all over mainland China’s 200 villages, towns, counties and cities in all 31 Provinces (Municipalities and Autonomous Regions) with a journey of over 300,000 km totally by the age of 13; in the meantime she had finished more than 600 kinds of various types of extra-curricular books in both English and Chinese; she had made more than 10,000 friends all sectors of the community; she could speak fluent English; in 2003 winter holiday she visited Europe. her facts were also selected into the present primary and secondary schools textbooks “Ideology and Morality”(《思想品德》) and “Ideology and Politics”(《思想政治》) and “Language” (《语文》)in China; in June 2005, after participation in the national unification college entrance examination, she has become a new undergraduate of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, China’s top comprehensive University on Science and Engineering, and also a host of Tsinghua University Television Station. Search “马宇歌”(“馬宇歌” )on website, there is only one person using this name. You could see her recent information from tens of thousand of media reports.】 4!l%@R>O2  
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  (上图最前者为参加完中国内地全国统一高考,正在等待高考结果出来的马宇歌,2005年6月22日,应邀到北京远郊县的平谷区胡灵丽同学老家——京东大峡谷,和亲密的以往舍友在一起相聚的情形。马宇歌身后依次是杨洋、胡波。  Note of the photo above: Ma, the front person, is with her intimate former roommates. After attending the unified national college entrance examination of Mainland China, during her waiting for test results she was invited to Hu Lingli[胡灵丽]’s  home the Jingdong Grand Canyon[京东大峡谷] in Pinggu District[平谷区] of outer suburbs of Beijing on June 22, 2005. Yang Yang[杨洋], Hu Bo[胡波] are behind Ma in turn) AW\#)Em  
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(前排中间穿红白两色背心者为马宇歌。她参加完中国内地全国统一高考,得知自己考试分数后,正待北京的清华大学发出录取通知书给自己之际,抽空和学友们一起来到西南距北京市100公里远的河北省涞水县野三坡游玩。上图是他们当时在景区——百里峡,2005年7月8日午后拍的合影。 The middle of the front row is Ma Yuge [马宇歌] who is in a red and white shirt, finding time to go outing with her schoolmates in Yesanpo [野三坡] Laishui County [涞水县], Hebei Province [河北省] 100 km from Beijing south-west, during her waiting for letter of admission from Tsinghua University after attending the unified national college entrance examination of Mainland China and knowing her exam scores. Upon is the joint photo of them at that time in Hundred Miles Canyons [百里峡] scenic zone on July 8, 2005 afternoon.) { Rd){ky@  
  2005年考上大学的宇歌,似乎比高中时还要忙:忙学习、忙参加大学里的各类活动,如校话剧队集训的采风、编剧、排练、演出;新生军训;代表建筑学院新生起草发言,在纪念反法西斯战争胜利60年大会上演讲;每周一次的校电视台常务工作;参加“空健杯”游泳比赛;“十 ·一”旅游黄金周给造访清华园的中外人士作义务导游讲解;作为运动员参加“2005年北京国际马拉松赛”、校2005年新生趣味运动会;投身“先进性教育”活动以及聆听多种校内学术讲座等等。所以对马宇歌的造访,我们只好被挤在了早上8点钟前开始进行。她在电话中很礼貌地答复记者,那时她刚好晨练、晨读完,而再到上午北京时间10点至21点钟,一直都要有课上了。马宇歌很会充分利用学习资源,对学业抓得可紧了,刚出来的期中考试成绩,大学高等数学——线性代数是80分、机械制图是88分,均列居他们授课点儿几百人一个大班的偏上水平。她在清华选择的必修课——化学是全英文的,因为马宇歌外语很好。每周两个半天,她都会到至今基本上还没人去的外教——清华大学建筑学院答疑点,定时向外籍导师们用英语进行请教。 F\)?Ntj)>@  
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  In 2005 Ma was admitted to the University, it seems that she was even busier than that in high school: busy with learning, with participating in various activities in the university such as collecting folk songs, script writing, rehearsals, performances of Training Camp of the school Drama Team; freshmen military training; drafting a speech on the sixtieth anniversary of the victory of the anti-fascist war Commemorative Celebration on behalf of freshmen of the School of Architecture; routine work once a week in the School Television; participate in the “Kongjian Cup” (“空健杯”) Swimming Competition; as tour guide for visitors to Tsinghua Park home or abroad on duty during “10.1” (Oct. 1st)golden week; taking part as an athlete in the “2005 Beijing International Marathon” and the freshmen interesting sports meeting in 2005; joining activities of “the Education Campaign to Preserve the Advanced Nature” and listening to a variety of academic lectures in schools and so on. Therefore we had no choice but to be squeezed before 8:00 a.m. to interview Ma. She was very polite in answering the reporters on the phone when she was just finished her morning exercise and morning reading, and she always had classes from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.. Ma will make full use of the learning resources and take the time to study. The result of mid-term examinations has just arrived, and Ma got 80 in the University of Advanced Mathematics - Linear Algebra, 88 in Mechanical Drawing, ranking good intermediate level among the several hundred students in their large class. She chose Chemistry as her required course in Tsinghua in English completely because of her good foreign language. Two half-day a week, she goes to the foreign teachers who were hardly visited by others basically, or the Q & A Spot of School of Architecture, Tsinghua University to consult the foreign instructors in English regularly. *(w#*,lv  
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  记者踏着2005年初秋的晨曦,如约赶到典雅圣洁的美丽清华园,在体育场的边上找到马宇歌时,她已经推着自行车,站那一边出神地读着孔子《论语》,一边在等我们了。一袭深灰色的运动装扮,上披天蓝色外套的她,腰板挺直,显得身材异常匀称修长。初次相见,她热忱、礼貌、大方地和我们打着招呼。眼前这个身高一米六五左右的女孩儿,无论说话还是举手投足,都那么内敛、谦和,富有教养,一点儿看不出存在任何耀眼的光环。 aR c2#:~;  
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  When I stepped in the first sun rays in the autumn morning of 2005, arrived as appointed to the saintly elegant beautiful Tsinghua, she found Ma at the side of the stadium having already pushed bicycle, gazed at “The Analects” of Confucius, and waited for us. Ma was in dark grey sports suit with a pale blue coat, her waist straight, and her shape seemed extremely tall and well-balanced. Meeting for the first time she said hello to us enthusiastic, politely and generously.  The girl presented in 165 cm either her talk or her every act and every move was so restrained, humble, and well-cultivated, no one can see any dazzling aureole on her at all. z:Q4E|IX  
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  (图为北京的清华大学本科2005级正上大学一年的马宇歌, 2005年10月13日星期四清晨,在本校西操场的足球场外围塑胶跑道东侧正由南向北跑来。 北京青年报社《竞报》实习记者刘新颖 摄。  Freshman of Tsinghua University, Beijing, Ma runs south to north on east side of plastic runway of the football field outer circle in the west playground of Tsinghua University in the early morning on Thursday October 13. Photographed by practice reporter Liu Xinying[刘新颖] from “Competition Newspaper” of “Beijing Youth Newspaper Agency”) /XeCJxo8  
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  (上图为记者采访马宇歌的那天清晨2005年10月13日星期四,正在北京的清华大学本科2005级上大学一年级的马宇歌,当时在校内的蒙民伟楼东侧的清华大学西操场晨练后就地早读的镜头。  北京青年报社《竞报》实习记者刘新颖 摄。  The above picture shows Ma in morning reading after morning exercises on the West playground, east of Tsinghua University’s Meng Minwei [蒙民伟] Building, in the early morning of that interview day on Thursday October 13, 2005 during Ma’s fresh year of University undergraduate, was photographed by practice reporter Liu Xinying[刘新颖] from “Competition Newspaper” of “Beijing Youth Newspaper Agency”) LQr +)wI  
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  一、实践计划不小心成了“侠女” =KCAHNr4?  
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  I.            She Carried out Plans Carelessly thus Became A “Chivalrous Woman” K'DRX85F  
  在宇歌很小的时候,父亲就教她做任何事都要有计划。于是,在她房间的门上,一直都有一张和爸爸一起制作的表格,上面有她每天作业、课余爱好等完成情况的原始记录。宇歌10岁的时候,她给自己制订了一个当时至14岁也就是上初二时的大致发展规划,共五项。其中之一是在这期间要把祖国960万平方公里土地上的各省(直辖市、自治区)有代表性的一些地方,都能自己独立地去学访一遍,实现其“读万卷书,行万里路,交万名友”的自定目标。 FL8?<bU  
  When Ma was very young, her father taught her to make a plan if she wanted to do something. As a result, there had always been a form made by her and her father together on the door of her bedroom, on which were original records about her completing her homework or after-school hobbies. When she was 10, she formulated a general development plan of 5 items in total from then on to 14. One of these items was to visit by herself somewhere representative of provinces (Municipalities, Autonomous Regions) all over our homeland with an area more than 960,000,000 km2 during those years and to fulfill a goal of “reading a lot, tripping further and making friends worldwide”. ?T ( @<T  
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  宇歌离开北京每去一个地方,大部分都是应素未谋面的朋友邀请。她告诉记者,因为之前自己写的一些文章会刊登在报纸或杂志上,所以各地很多读者看了,纷纷邀请她能前去做客;吃、住都在他们那里,大家彼此相处以后,感情更深了。宇歌算了算,截止目前,和她保持相当密切联系的,全国各地有几百人。这些人各民族全有,每人都特别有出息,有的已经读研、读博,甚至留学欧美去了,还有的是部队的年轻官兵……学什么、干什么的都有。宇歌和他们互相学习、互相支持、互相帮助,立志成为一代社会栋梁。 k2@|fe  
  Each place Ma went was on invitation of a friend had never met before. She told the author that many readers invited her to their homes as a guest after they had read her articles in newspapers or magazines; she ate there, lived there; they got along with each other, which made their hearts closer. Ma calculated that there are altogether several hundred people across the country in close ties with her so far. They were all ethnic groups, each was quite promising: some were enrolled in postgraduate or doctoral study, some even been abroad, some were young army officers… in different professions or jobs. These people and Ma learn from each other, support each other, help each other, they aspire to be the pillars of society. >'MT]@vez  
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  曾经为了朋友,马宇歌还不止一次地充当过“侠女”。例如2000年暑假宇歌13岁,应山西一名王雪霏的笔友邀请,前去她家做客。“小雪的父母王毅民叔叔和黄立坤阿姨,都是太原市的山西省人民医院的医生,很热情,非常喜欢我,让我在紧跟着的我的陕北之行中也要带上他们的女儿,一块儿去见识见识外面的天地。于是我就领着小雪,共同坐上了开往陕西省延安市的长途汽车。途经蜿蜒曲折的吕梁山区,大白天车上突然窜进几条洗劫钱财的汉子。他们一把抢了小雪妹妹的包儿。我当时气炸了肺!马上安慰吓得直流眼泪的王雪霏说:‘这有姐姐在,你别怕,啊!’既然她父母那么信任我,把小雪托付给了我,我就一定要对小妹妹负责。我先迅速做好准备:从笔记本上撕下一张纸,写明我们来自何方(包括家里的联系电话),赶紧隔窗抛下车去,以备万一。而这时满车好几十大人,个个挨抢,却谁也不敢对这帮劫匪说个‘不’字。我看不惯,站起来向劫匪厉声怒道:‘记得我在书上看过,这地方原来出过一个人叫李自成【注1】,挺让我佩服——人家虽说也曾拦路抢劫,还打家劫舍,可干的都是杀富济贫,伸张正义,专门扶危济困的轰轰烈烈大事。哪像你们,只会欺负我们女流之辈!何况小雪,她还比我小半岁呢……’没等严词呵斥完我对面的那个大男人,他们中的一个老大——个子快要顶着车顶儿了,虎头虎脑低头盯着我,觉得有点儿太不好意思了,攥着从他身上脱下的褂子,冲我摆了摆,结结巴巴嘟囔了一句‘还……她。走!’说着回过身,朝车门快步走去。他手下的兵,扔下抢的东西,全跟着跑了。” \c .^^8r  
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  Ma has acted as “Chivalrous Woman” more than once just for friends. For instance, in 2000 summer holiday when she was 13 Ma went to a pen pal Wang Xuefei(王雪霏)’s home as invited. “Both of Wang’s parents, Uncle Wang Yimin(王毅民) and Aunt Huang Likun(黄立坤), are doctors of Shanxi(山西) Province People’s Hospital in Taiyuan(太原). They were passionate and they liked me very much. They wanted me to bring their daughter in my next trip to northern Shanxi(陕西) to see the world. So I and Wang took a long-distance bus for Yan’an(延安), Shaanxi Province(陕西省). Through the twists and turns Lvliang(吕梁) area, a gang of robbers broke into the bus in broad daylight all of a sudden. They grabbed Wang’s bag suddenly. I was about to explode at that time! Immediately I comforted Wang, now in tears with frighten, and said, ‘I’m here, don’t be afraid.’ Her parents trusted me so much and left her with me so I must be responsible for her. Then I prepared quickly: I torn a piece of paper from my notebook writing down where we came from (including our home numbers), threw it down from the window for an emergency. There were tens of people in the bus robbed but they dared not say even a ‘no’ to this gang. I couldn’t stand this so I stood up and shout to the robbers, “I remembered reading a book; there was a person whose name was Li Zicheng (李自成)【1】 and I admired him very much. They did rob, raid and plunder, but what they did were vigorous events as killing the wealthy to help the poor, fighting for justice, helping those in distress and aiding those in peril. How about you? Just bullied women like us. Let alone Wang, she is younger than me half a year…’ Without finishing my hooting in stern words to the big man opposite me, one of the oldest of them so tall as to reach the bus roof lowered his head staring at me, he felt a little bit embarrassed, he clutched his short gown removed from him, swung it before me, and murmured with a broken tongue, ‘give back to …her… let's go!’ With these words, he turned back to the bus door in big strides. His followers dropped what they had robbed and slid after him.” \0'0)@uziQ  
  对于人间的友谊,马宇歌说:“我发现,共同的兴趣和爱好并不一定能使友谊加深,共同的经历,才能使友谊持久并永远值得纪念。” j_#oP  
  To friendship of the world, Ma Yuge said: “I found that the common interest and hobby can not necessarily deepen friendship, while the common experiences can make friendship lasting and always memorable.” /z(;1$Ld6{  
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 (上图:身为10岁时就被评为首届 “北京市百名优秀红十字青少年会员”的小学六年级11岁的马宇歌[前蹲者左二],1999年寒假藏历土兔年新年,只身从北京去西藏和好朋友次白[拉萨市师范附小六年级大队委,前蹲者左三]等当地藏族同学一起在布达拉宫广场喂鸽子。  The above picture is Ma [squatting, the 2nd from left in the front row]at 11 in Grade Six Primary School, she was awarded the first “A Hundred Outstanding Young Red Cross Members in Beijing”[ 首届 “北京市百名优秀红十字青少年会员”] by the age of ten. In 1999 New Year of Earth Rabbit of the Tibetan Calendar she came to Tibet[西藏] alone joining with Cibai [次白] [squatting, the 3rd  from left in the front row , she is Young Pioneers Group Committee Member of Grade Six in Primary School Affiliated Lasha〈拉萨〉 Normal University] and other Tibetan pupil and feeding the pigeon on the Potala Palace [布达拉宫]Square. ) 4^>FN"Ve`B  
  二、不仅交友遍天下  还要读书行万里 !#' y#  
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  II.  Ma Not Only Makes Friends All over the World but Also Reads and Travels A Lot >AUj4d  
  小宇歌从小酷爱读书,最早是从彩色画儿书开始的。“爸爸经常带我逛书店。我要的书,爸爸一定帮我参谋。爸爸帮我挑的书,首先要求一定是名著或内容必须真实可靠;其次图画还要雅,是出自高手,构图丰满、线条优美、色彩绚丽。爸爸绝对不赞成花功夫看那些粗编滥造、滥画的东西。后来我也会挑什么书好了。这样的书,看一本是一本,很有长进。”宇歌小时候总缠着爸爸给她讲。爸爸最喜欢把她搂在怀里,给她念书,讲故事了。  s${|A =  
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  Little Yuge has been fond of reading from a young age; she began reading from books with colorful pictures. “Dad always took me to bookstores. The book I want Dad would give me advice surely. The book Dad helped me to pick first must be Classics or the content to be reliable; then the pictures must be elegant from a master with well-developed composition, graceful lines and beautiful colors.  Dad was not in favor of spending time on books made in a rough and slipshod way. Later I knew how to pick good books. I made great progress after reading this kind of books one by one.” Ma always imposed her Dad when she was a little girl. Her Dad loved holding her into his arms, reading and telling stories for her. o$[alh;c+W  
  “我看书,爸爸还有意向我推荐字书。每次都是爸爸主动念给我听。爸爸很会绘声绘色朗读,碰到我不懂的地方,爸爸还引经据典进行深入浅出的讲解。我被深深吸引住了,自然要拿过来自己看。遇到不会的字,我就查字典或问身边的人。这样,我很早就会看字书了。画儿书再也无法满足我的需要了。当然后来我还会看看画儿书的,但它再也不是我最喜欢吃的‘主食’了。”宇歌读书的涉猎范围相当广,如文学、科学、地理、人物传记、哲学、社会、政治、各种史书包括中外通史、政治思想史、哲学史、文学史……等等,遇到国外的书,她只要能够争取到手,还要尽量去读英文原版书。她从小不仅是住家附近很多书店的常客,也是住家附近图书馆和学校图书馆的老熟人。她还在上初中时,北京大学、清华大学的一些人就认识了这个经常跑到高校来学习并参加各种活动的小女生。平常她还定时阅读报刊,并在晨练或者走在路上的时候,利用小收音机听广播,随时了解天下大事。 JPt0k  
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  “I read books, and Dad recommended books in written words to me intentionally. Every time Dad read books to me on his initiative. Dad always read them vividly and lifelike. He would explain what I couldn’t understand allusively in simple terms. I was attracted deeply then I would bring them up naturally. When I met strange words I looked it up or consult others around me. I could read books very early in this way. The picture books could satisfy my wants no longer. Of course I read picture books later, but they were not my favorite ‘staple food’ any more.” Ma covered a very wide range of books, as literature, science, geography , Biography, philosophy, sociology, politics, kings of history books including Chinese and foreign history, History of Political Thought, history of philosophy, history of literature, and so on. To books written by foreigners, she would try to read the original editions in English if only she could get them. From her childhood she has been not only a regular customer of many bookstores near her home, but also a frequenter of the nearby library and school library. When she was in junior school, people in Tsinghua University and Beijing University had already known this little girl, who often studied and participated in kinds of activities in some colleges and universities. She also read newspapers regularly and listened to radio to keep abreast of world affairs when doing morning exercises or walking. ~ 6`Ha@  
  宇歌看书喜欢作眉批和写读书笔记。她立志不仅要行万里路,还要同时读万卷书。每次只身外出,包括出国,她都要带上计划读的课外书。有趣的是,当时读什么书,往往会在后来宇歌的一些方面反映出来。12岁那年放寒假,小宇歌带着中国内地的人民文学出版社出版的两卷本《水浒传》只身前往江西,然后转往云南过春节。在井冈山上,她遇上了大风雪。这一路写的文章成了“名篇”,经平面媒体刊出后,一直在网络上广为流传。她这年“2000年2月1日星期二即农历乙卯年腊月二十六日”留下的那篇5300字的日记,题目就叫《披风历雪下井冈,只身夜返南昌城》——怎么样,是不是还真有那么一点儿“水浒”的味道? CdFr YL+F  
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  Ma liked making head notes and study notes when she read. She determined not only to make trip further but also to read a lot. Every time she went out alone, including going abroad, she would bring with her extra-curricular books as planned. It was interesting that the books read at that time would be reflected on her later in a number of ways. During the winter holiday when she was 12, she went with two-volume “Outlaws of the Marsh” (《水浒传》) published by the People’s Literature Publishing House in mainland China to Jiangxi and then to Yunnan for Spring Festival on her own. On Jinggangshan Mountains(井冈山) she encountered a blizzard. The articles written on the way became “famous” and were widely circulated on the networks after published by the print media. The 5,300-word diary written on February 1st, 2000, Tuesday or December 26 Yimao Year(乙卯年) in Chinese Lunar calendar, was entitled “Experienced Wind and Snow Going Down Jinggangshan Mountains, Returned to Nanchang City Solitarily at Night”(《披风历雪下井冈,只身夜返南昌城》). How about it?  Isn’t there a taste of “Outlaws of the Marsh” in it? 2uajK ..b  
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  (上图唯一在主席台就座、面向大家的那个小女孩,是当时就读于北京市西城区后广平小学校五年级3班的11岁该校大队组织委员马宇歌,1998年5月20日星期三,应邀课余到北京市海淀区汇佳学校,给1至12年级全校师生作题为《博爱伴我走天下》的报告,并回答大家现场提问时的情景。她头上的红色通栏横幅,写的大字是“学习马宇歌把爱心献给他人”,下面两块展板分别贴着校方对马宇歌的敬语和情况介绍。  Note of the photo above: The only girl seated on the rostrum and facing the people is 11-year-old Ma as a pupil and Commissary in charge of Organization in Class Three Grade Five Hou Guang Ping Primary School, west District, Beijing [北京市西城区后广平小学校]. The picture above shows Ma in answering on-the-spot questions from audience on Wednesday May 20 1998 after her speech “The Universal Love Accompanies Me to Take the World” [《博爱伴我走天下》] to teachers and students from Grade One to Grade Twelve in Huijia School(汇佳学校), Haidian District(海淀区), Beijing, on invitation on her spare time. The large Chinese characters on the red spread banner above her are “to learn from Ma Yuge to give love to someone else”(“学习马宇歌把爱心献给他人”); the other two display panels are the complimentary close and brief introduction to Ma Yuge by Huijia School.) FJYc*l  
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  三、“马宇歌惊人的毅力打动了我” ~Y3"vdd  
  III.  “Ma’s Amazing Perseverance Moved Me” .V.x0  
  “马宇歌的惊人毅力打动了我。”——这话出自小宇歌中学母校赵庆刚校长之口。他是小宇歌一辈子也不会辜负的恩师。在马宇歌从初一到高三的六年中学生活中,他任该校一把手,只在最后一个学期才因升迁被调走。宇歌小学毕业前,他们俩谁也不认识谁。但到这所中学里来上学,却是还在宇歌正上小学六年级时,那年下学期刚开学,赵校长主动打电话到北京市西城区后广平小学,将当时11岁的她“挖”到了北京的清华大学附属中学校的。记者日前,专门采访了这位上世纪末,屈尊求才的“伯乐”。 nTd[-3o  
  “Ma’s astonishing perseverance moved me” –these words were from the mouth of Zhao Qinggan, principal of Ma’s alma mater, a teacher Ma would never let him down for her lifetime. He had been headmaster for six years of Ma’s middle school and was transferred as a result of promotion in the last semester.  They didn’t know each other before Ma graduated from primary school.  But Ma’s coming to this school was at the beginning of Ma’s last semester of Grade Six; Mr. Zhao called initiatively Hou Quang Ping Primary School, Xicheng District, Beijing, (北京市西城区后广平小学校)thus “dig” 11-year-old Ma to this middle school Affiliated to Tsinghua University. A few days ago the reporter visited specially this talent scout who condescended for want of the talented in the end of last century. rcx'`CIJ  
  “马宇歌是一个有着明确奋斗目标和远大理想的孩子,清华的环境最适合她的成长发展了。搞教育,做老师的,一旦发现这样的好学生没有不抢的。”北京的原清华大学附属中学校长赵庆刚,谈到自己当年怎样亲自招到得意门生马宇歌时,十分骄傲,爱才之情溢于言表,“当时我们经过长时间,从多种渠道间接了解到马宇歌的整个情况以后,觉得她那么小的年龄,就能坚持一个人到全国各地去做调查和进行学访,这样的孩子太少见了,的确不简单。其实小学阶段,每个学生在学习上的差别不是很大,可非智力因素方面的差别那就大得太多了。宇歌的自觉行为,正体现了她自身的勇气和素养。我觉得我们学校能给具备这种素质的孩子,以更大的发展空间!所以1999年早在她小学毕业前一个学期,我就亲自给他们学校打电话找到了她,希望马宇歌最好能到我们清华附中来上中学。” < `/22S"  
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  “Ma is a girl with clear goals and lofty ideals. The environment in Tsinghua is suited for her growing and development. People who are engaged in education or teachers would scramble such a good student,” said Zhao Qinggang, the former headmaster of the High School affiliated to Tsinghua University, proudly when talking about enrolling his favorite pupil Ma in person, the love of talent showed. “After a long period of time we learned about indirectly Ma’s entire story from a variety of channels; it was rare and marvelous for a child in such a young age to adhere to do investigations and study visits across the country by herself. In fact there were little difference in learning for students in primary schools, but the differences in non-intellectual factors were so large. Ma’s conscious activity just reflected her own courage and accomplishment. I thought out school could give children with such qualities more room for development. So as early as a term before her graduation from elementary school in 1999 I personally called her in hope that she’d better come to our high school affiliated to Tsinghua University(清华大学附属中学校).” c&rS7%  
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  赵庆刚说,事实上不仅校长本人,宇歌从小学毕业一踏入北京的清华大学附属中学的大门以后,给所有人留下的印象都很难忘:“宇歌中学六年的各方面表现情况,包括门门课程学习成绩,也确实没有辜负所有老师们的期望。她是校级优秀学生干部,在学校的各项活动中,如在组织工作、主持工作和外交工作等等方面,表现很出众,既大方得体,又能待人真诚、谦逊、有礼。她在生活、学习上很有目标。这些都是宇歌最大的优点和特点。在全校众多优秀的同学中间,她一直本着一种发自内心发现和赞美别人优点、主动向别人学习、十分尊重他人的良好心态,影响着集体、影响着大家。尽管自己是社会各界经常关注的焦点,可她一点儿都不张扬,并不觉得自己有什么特殊之处。至今,马宇歌持之以恒地还一直在默默地为了自己的远大梦想而付出着。正是有了这些让我们最最赞赏的可贵品质与实践,她才走到了今天。” <Jwx|  
  Zhao Qinggang(赵庆刚) said, in fact Ma left an memorable impression not only on the principal, but also on all the others since Ma’s entering into the High School Affiliated to Qinghua University after her graduation from primary school: “Ma’s performance during the six years of secondary school, including the scores of every academic course, do not live up to the expectations of all teachers. She was School Outstanding Student Cadre; she made the difference in school activities such as organization, presiding over and foreign affairs. She was natural, proper sincerely, modest, and polite. She had her goal in her life and study. These are her greatest strength and characteristics. Among many excellent students of her school, her good attitude of always discovering and praising the merits of others from the heart, learning from and respecting for others on her own initiative, had impacted the collective and everybody.  She had been the focus of attention of different sectors of the community, but she did not make public. She did not feel unique at all. So far Ma has been sustained in silence for her lofty dreams. It is these most admirable and valuable quality of practice that Ma reaches where she is today.” {;T7Kg.C  
~$ FgiW  
  【注1】“李自成”陕北人,靠近山西的今陕西省米脂县出生,是17世纪上半叶中国著名的农民起义领袖。他行侠仗义、除暴安良、扶危济困,在中国西北的黄土高原揭竿而起,最终率领越来越庞大的起义军,于1644年推翻了统治全国长达276年的明朝政权,一度建立自己的王朝。 UOwEA9q%  
  【1】Li Zicheng (李自成), came from the north of Shanxi(陕北), born in Mizhi county (米脂县), next to Shanxi(山西), inside today’s Shanxi(陕西省), a great leader of the peasant uprising in 17cen. Li Zicheng advocated the slogan of "dividing land equally and abolishing the grain taxes payment system" which won great support of peasants. In 1644, Li Zicheng fled Beijing towards his power base in Huangtu plateau (黄土高原) in northwest China, ended the Ming dynasty (明朝) which had powered China for 276 years, and founded his empire for a period of time. S~+er{,ht4  
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zy6983 2009-01-18 17:04
真美 [s:651]

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